St. Johnian Supports Rezoning

Letter to the Editor and the Virgin Islands,

I am a local St. Johnian who was born here in the Virgin Islands and am in favor of the rezoning by the legislature for Sirenusa development. It seems the opposition is a bunch of stateside people not from here who have come down here to retire and have their million dollar homes and now don’t want to see any more growth on the island.

The people of St. John need to realize that we do not have a West Indian Company and Crown Bay Marina with its cruise ship facilities and tourists. We depend on developments such as Sirenusa for the local economy of the island for construction and permanent jobs.

I am happy to see that our Senator at Large Carmen Wesselhoft has realized that we need projects like this for the economy of our island. Where would St. Johnians work without projects like these?

Thank you,
Camille Paris