Pushing for Relese of Hate Crime Report

Dear Attorney General Gonzales:

During the past year the citizens of St. John have experienced their share of drama, crisis, sadness and overall disappointment in the partnership between community and law enforcement, especially with Federal law enforcement.

On many occasions, through marches, protests, sit-ins, endless letters to the press, and call-ins to radio shows, the people of St. John have requested to be more informed about the status of the ongoing Frett investigation. We have been extremely sensitive to the investigation process, standard operational procedures, protocol and requests from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to have patience while all the iÂ’s were dotted and all the tÂ’s were crossed.

We are now aware of the fact that the investigation has been completed and that the analysis has been prepared. Surely the U.S. Department of Justice must understand that we are anxious to hear the outcome of this long and arduous investigation.

The rationale for the Justice decision-makers to forego sharing information is not understood. It may be that they perceive St. Johnians incapable of handling truthful communications or it may be that the data is too volatile in nature and would result in stimulating further distrust, disorder and potential danger. Whatever it is, we certainly deserve the truth and I believe we are a civil society that can overcome your doubts.

I am personally requesting a more community-oriented response from your office that will provide us with a brief describing the outcome of your analysis regarding the Frett investigation. Your prompt reply will be appreciated. Again, I believe that any further delay and lack of communications is more of a detriment to achieving a peaceful and cooperative solution.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your office responding in a favorable and satisfactory way that meets both the needs of the community and a just and peaceful closure to this situation.

Carmen Miranda Wesselhoft
Senator at Large Candidate