Gov. deJongh and Senator John D. Rockefeller To Appear at News Briefing on St. John This Morning

Governor John P. deJongh, Jr. and U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller (D-WV) will host a media briefing on the campus of the Julius Sprauve School on St. John on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 11:45 a.m.

Senator Rockefeller is in the territory this week and was invited to join the governor on a tour of the Sprauve campus and to participate in a drive-thru of the site on St. John which the Administration envisions for a new school. 

 Also present at the briefing will be John Garrison of the Trust for Public Land as well as National Park Superintendents Joel Tutien and Mark Hargrove.

 On Friday, deJongh unveiled his Administration’s proposal for a new school on St. John. The plan involves working with the Department of Interior, the National Park Service, the Delegate to Congress, the Armstrong Trust, and bringing in the Trust for Public Lands, to leverage the acreage of the Estate Grange property in St. Croix to enable the Government and Trust for Public Lands purchase the property, set aside some of the acreage for agricultural purposes, and then enter into a deed agreement with the National Park Service for some of the property to be part of the National Park system, while it deeds some property in Estate Catherineberg on St. John as the site and future locale for a St. John School.

 Stay tuned later today for coverage of this event.